The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) developed this Universal Networking for Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Training Package at the request of many stakeholders working in this sector. The package draws on a range of CBID packages developed and rolled out in Malawi, Zambia, and Zanzibar between 2016-2021.

NAD has been involved in developing comprehensive and formalised CBID training packages since 2016. The work began in Malawi in collaboration with MACOHA and a broad range of stakeholders who identified priority topics for which they felt training resources were needed. The aim was to equip stakeholders at national, district and community levels with the knowledge and skills to effectively champion mainstreaming of disability in their respective sectorial development programmes and services.

Training packages were developed, piloted and rolled out in Malawi between 2017-2018, including a training of trainers (ToT) component. The packages were developed at three levels: National / District; Community; Volunteer. In 2017 NAD took the packages to Zambia for a formal stakeholder review process. The packages were found to be largely relevant to the Zambia context, and a process was initiated to domesticate them for the Zambian environment, and to develop a number of new modules to add to the packages. In Zambia two levels of training were developed: National/District and Volunteer. In 2019, the Zambia CBID Training packages were evaluated by stakeholders in Zanzibar, and once again found to be largely relevant to the context. In Zanzibar additional modules were also developed to be added to the packages.

Alongside the transfer and domestication of the packages to different country contexts in NAD’s programme countries, in 2018, NAD and its partners in Malawi and Zambia presented elements of the CBID packages at a workshop within the 6th CBR Africa Network (CAN) Conference in Lusaka, Zambia. Many participants requested access to the CBID Training resources, encouraging NAD to develop a range of ‘Universal’ modules on core topics within the packages to be shared with a broader audience of countries and stakeholders. The Universal modules were developed in 2022 and piloted in Uganda in 2023. Each package can be delivered in approximately one week (5 days).


Before downloading the training package

Components of the training package may be reproduced and used for non-commercial purposes on condition that NAD, the Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA), the CBR Zambia Support Programme under the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS), the Madrasa Early Childhood Programme Zanzibar (MECPZ), and NAD Uganda are referenced.

If you wish to make use of the Universal CBID Training Packages please ensure that you read the Training Coordinator Guide within each package as this will provide you with a step-by-step guide of how to plan and run the training.


1 Nat Reg Dist Level

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Universal CBID Training Packages

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01 CBID Training Coordinator Guide


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07 CBID Videos NRD Level


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08 CBID Curriculum NRD Level


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09 CBID Sample timetables NRD Level


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10 CBID Evaluation Form NRD Level

2 Training Volunteer Level

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Universal CBID Training Packages


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01 CBID Training Coordinator Guide


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03 CBID Participant Manual Vol Level


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04 CBID Session resources Vol Level


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06 CBID Curriculum Vol Level


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08 CBID Evaluation Form Vol Level