The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) has worked for the rights of persons with disabilities and for the capacity building of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) in Zanzibar since 2017, when we took over the Norwegian Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability’s (NFU) project.
NAD and MECP-Z collaborate with multiple stakeholders on a Human Rights Advocacy programme and an Inclusive Education programme.

Human Rights Advocacy
Human Rights Advocacy
Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education
Madrasa Early Childhood Programme – Zanzibar (MECP-Z)
MECP-Z is a non-profit organisation that promotes early childhood development in the Unguja and Pemba islands and our main partner in Zanzibar as the Coordinating Organisation. MECP-Z is an affiliate of the Aga Khan Foundation.
Zanzibar Federation of Disabled People Organization (SHIJUWAZA – Shirikisho la Jumuiya za Watu wenye Ulemavu Zanzibar)
SHIJUWAZA is an umbrella organisation consisting of 11 member DPOs and is involved in all phases of the programmes, from design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
The Department of Disability Affairs (DDA)
The Department of Disability Affairs (DDA) in the Second Vice President’s Office is a secretariat of the Zanzibar National Council for People with Disabilities, established in 2008 with the purpose of coordinating of disability issues, and are involved at all levels of the programme. DDA has a key coordinating role on disability affairs in Zanzibar, and is as such central to the CBID Programme.
DDA website
Enabling Education Network (EENET)
EENET is a global information-sharing and learning network that encourages and supports innovation and critical thinking on inclusion, equity and rights in education. They bring in crucial technical expertise on the Inclusive Education Programme in Zanzibar.
EENET website
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT)
MoEVT is at the centre of the Inclusive Education Programme, with the Department of Teacher Education (DTE) and the Inclusive Education and Life Skills Unit as key stakeholders in the implementation of Inclusive Education Teacher Training. Zanzibar Institute of Education (ZIE), an Institute for curriculum development and education research, has the mandate to develop curricula for pre-primary, primary, secondary and teacher education, and is also a key stakeholder in ensuring longer term change.
MoEVT website
The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)
SUZA’s Department of Early Childhood, Primary, Inclusive and Special Needs Education is a key stakeholder in the implementation of inclusive education and inclusive early childhood development interventions, especially when it comes to the pre-service teacher training.
SUZA website