The Role of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID)

The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) developed this Training Package on The Role of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in Community Based Inclusive Development as part of a range of training programmes relating to CBID. It was specifically produced for the context in Zanzibar, but much of the content is relevant to many other African countries. NAD is therefore sharing it so that other organizations can benefit from it, and tailor it to their own contexts.  

This CBID Training Package was developed with the aim of facilitating the mainstreaming of disability issues in all sectors to achieve the rights of persons with disabilities. CBID is a rights-based and development-oriented approach to enhance the quality of life for persons with disabilities and their families. The approach aims to ensure their inclusion and active participation in their families and communities. 

The package draws on a range of CBID packages developed and rolled out in Malawi, Zambia, and Zanzibar between 2016-2022. NAD worked in collaboration with Flourish Development Consulting UK, the Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA), the CBR Zambia Support Programme, the Madrasa Early Childhood Programme Zanzibar (MECPZ) and many of their partners and collaborators in all three countries.  

We hope you find the resources useful in your work.


Before downloading the training package

This manual is part of an open source Community Based Inclusive Development Training Package. Components of the training package may be reproduced and used for non-commercial purposes on condition that NAD, the Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA), the CBR Zambia Support Programme under the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS), and the Madrasa Early Childhood Programme Zanzibar (MECPZ) are referenced.


Zanzibar OPD CBID Training package


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04 Timetable