– Zambia-news

In an effort to promote inter –provincial and inter-district sharing and learning of best practices,NAD Zambia has started exposing members of various CBID district networks to other CBID districts with comparative advantages in specific thematic or operational areas. To kick start the process Kasama,Chipata and Kitwe district CBID networks were identified to have strengths in; local …
A total of eighteen (18) Ward Councillors and three (3) Ward Development Committee (WDC) representatives drawn from all the twenty-one (21) wards in Chongwe District attended a three-day basic training in Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) held from 9-11 March 2022 in Chongwe. The training addressed various topics including Introduction to CBR/CBID, Understanding disability, barriers to …
The Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016 provides for a devolved system of governance which facilitates community participation in decision making and development. The National Decentralisation Policy (revised 2013) also emphasises the importance of community participation in the development process. The policy and legal framework prescribe the sub national …
M'kango Golf View Hotel was a hive of activity as CBID Coordinators drawn from all the 14 CBID Networks across the country converged for a national CBID Coordinators meeting held from 18-19 November 2021. The meeting provided a platform for experience sharing, learning and planning in order to enhance implementation and coordination of CBID work …

Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD)

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