To enhance roll out of inclusive education in higher learning institutions, NAD in partnership with enabling education network (EENET) embarked on quality assurance visits in six institutions of higher learning in the month of April 2023. The purpose of the visits was fourfold. ·         appreciate the Inclusive Education roll out in teacher training Institutions so far ·         …
With financial and technical support from NAD Zambia ,most of the staff from the  Office of the Public Protector Zambia were trained in key concepts of Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) from 12-14 July 2023 in Lusaka. The 3 day workshop facilitated by Wamundila Waliuya from Disability Rights Watch supported by Caroline Cheelo and Eddie …
In a bid to empower young people with disabilities become self-advocates and improve their participation in inclusive development, Norwegian Association of Disabled has rolled out a peer to peer empowerment project in Zambia on a pilot basis. The project was kick started with a three day training for 10 youths with disabilities in Livingstone ,Zambia. The …