– Eddie Mupotola Writer

The Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS), in partnership with the Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) has successfully implemented disability and inclusive development interventions that has benefitted several communities in Zambia for over  ten  years. In order to expand  coverage and reach, it was agreed that Chongwe District in Lusaka Province be targeted next, …
The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD)- Zambian office organised a two -day meeting for youth with disabilities  from 28th -29th  September 2021,at Cresta Golf view Hotel in Lusaka. The land mark meeting was attended by 30 youth representatives drawn from youth wings of  various  organisations in  Lusaka. The aims of the meeting were two fold …

Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD)

Schweigaardsgate 12
P.O. Box 9217 Grønlad
0134 Oslo
+47 24 10 24 00

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