To enhance roll out of inclusive education in higher learning institutions, NAD in partnership with enabling education network (EENET) embarked on quality assurance visits in six institutions of higher learning in the month of April 2023. The purpose of the visits was fourfold.
· appreciate the Inclusive Education roll out in teacher training Institutions so far
· interact with the principal trainers and hear how they have been implementing inclusive Education,
· appreciate the challenges the institutions, face during implementation of inclusive education and lastly
· learn about the status of the curriculum review in these institutions.
The findings of interest are that all the 6 teacher training institutions monitored had delivered IE introductory modules 1, 2 and 3 and most of them were making progress in their curriculum adaptation. It was interesting to note that some teacher training institutions have finished curriculum review and are now waiting for approval from Higher Education Authority. There is overwhelming support from the college principals regarding actualizing inclusive education in their institutions.