With financial and technical support from NAD Zambia ,most of the staff from the Office of the Public Protector Zambia were trained in key concepts of Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) from 12-14 July 2023 in Lusaka. The 3 day workshop facilitated by Wamundila Waliuya from Disability Rights Watch supported by Caroline Cheelo and Eddie Mupotola from NAD addressed the international and national legal and policy frameworks including the UNCRPD, an other salient issues related to barriers to participation ,accessibility and disability mainstreaming .
Senior officers from the Office of the Public Protector intimated that they were so elated to have been orientated on these important aspects of CBID as this knowledge and skills gained from the workshop will support them in their daily operations as a Public Protector to ensure that they fufil their mandate which is “to promote social and administrative justice to ensure a good governance environment.”